Autobahnen- und Schnellstraßen-Finanzierungs-Aktiengesellschaft (ASFINAG) is a central Austrian infrastructure operator. As a sustainable mobility partner, the company with more than 3,000 employees is responsible for the planning, construction, operation, and tolling of the Austrian motorway and expressway network. ASFINAG is user-financed, operating with revenues from vignettes and truck tolls, and does not receive any state subsidies. It plays a crucial role in shaping the mobility of tomorrow, with a particular focus on protecting people and the environment, ensuring individual mobility, and integrating with public transport.
With an annual investment of around 1.5 billion euros, it provides significant stimulus for the economy and business location. The ELAPP project implemented by moPS and its project partner Tietoevry provides ASFINAG with the moPS APPS for alerting, managing, and documenting incidents on Austrian motorways. Traffic managers and route service employees can use the moPS APPS on their tablets and smartphones to help, monitor, and collaborate more effectively in emergencies.